Memberships and Donation Information
Donate to the Oregon Midwifery Council!
We warmly invite you to donate to the Oregon Midwifery Council (OMC) and be part of a movement to bring the midwifery model of care to all families. The Oregon Midwifery Council is a group of midwives, consumers, and supporters (like you!) who are dedicated to protecting the rights of all pregnant and birthing people and to promoting midwifery care in Oregon.

What has OMC done for me?
Since the 1970s, the Oregon Midwifery Council has worked so that families have a wide range of birth options and midwives have the autonomy, information, and support to provide the excellent and personalized care you and others have received. In 1993 OMC created one of the best systems of midwifery licensure in the country and we have continuously worked to preserve and improve midwifery laws and rules since that time. The council also work to promote policies that support maternal-child health and the well being of all families. We consistently let consumers know about proposed laws or other issues that may affect your care options and give you information about how to get involved and have your voice heard by policy makers. We have had great success time and again in organizing consumers to protect your interests through rallies, letter-writing campaigns, testifying at hearings in Salem, and more.
Why does OMC need my help?
OMC is a small organization with big goals. We envision a time when midwifery care is available to every pregnant woman in Oregon but we can’t make that vision a reality without your help. OMC needs consumers involved in our organization so that our efforts are matched to your needs. We need community support in order to pay our lobbyist, who is essential to having a voice for home birth families and midwives in the Oregon legislature. And we need consumers speaking up whenever there are policy decisions to be made because your voices have the most powerful impact on the process and you are the people who will be most affected by the outcomes.

Membership Options for Midwives
We encourage Oregon Midwifery Council membership for all midwives attending community births in Oregon. All midwives benefit from the advocacy of OMC and midwives with memberships receive additional benefits such as listing on our website and discounts on continuing education. Voting members also elect OMC board members. To vote a member must meet three requirements:
- Be a midwife who has or has had within any of the past three years an active practice in Oregon or a student/apprentice who is currently attending births with a midwife in active practice in Oregon
- Has paid all midwife or student level dues in full.
- Has attended at least two OREGON MIDWIFERY COUNCIL regional and/or statewide meetings per calendar year. Conference call participation is acceptable.
Free Membership for Midwives and Students of Color
Dues & Donations
We encourage you to set up a reoccurring Oregon Midwifery Council membership payment. Whether you chose to pay monthly or yearly, your membership will continue to automatically renew until you cancel it. Use the first option below, with the subscribe button. This is the best way to ensure your membership stays active, retaining your voting privileges and website listing (for licensed Midwife members).
If you want to pay membership for one year, choose the second option for a one year membership. If you want to make a one time donation with your membership, please use the donate button below.
We offer three membership rates for midwives. The regular rate is $90/yr or $7.50/mo. There is a low-income rate for $75/yr or $6.25/mo. The low-income rate is based on self report, please choose which one fits with your family income! Student midwife rates are $35/yr or $3.00/mo. Another option is to become a sustaining member with an additional donation of $300. It takes approximately $300 per member per year in fundraising to sustain OMC. Historically, some midwives have chosen to directly donate this amount as an alternative to donating their time to fundraising activities. If you choose to be a sustaining member, you can choose to pay $32.50 monthly, or $390 yearly which includes your midwife level membership and the $300/year donation.
Whichever membership subscription works for you, we are glad to have you as a member. Thank you!
If you prefer, you can send a check for your annual dues to:
Oregon Midwifery Council
2129 Western Heights Loop NW
Salem, OR 97304
Monthly Oregon Midwifery Council Membership Subscription
Yearly Oregon Midwifery Council Membership Subscription
With this option membership automatically renews yearly until you cancel.
One Year Oregon Midwifery Council Membership
With this option you must renew yearly to continue active membership.